When asking someone what their first language is, you can get a response of several unique languages. If you ask Mendy Hershkowitz what his first language is, his response would be "music".
Mendy Hershkowitz hates bios. First, because most of them read like eulogies.. highlights of a career or life that were...but are no longer. And even though he’s been at it for over two decades his energy, vision and ‘freshness’ bring to mind someone just “getting started”
Next reason he’s no fan of the whole bio thing is because he works too hard at his craft and loves it too much to have it reduced to paragraph or page of adjectives interspersed with names meant to impress the kind of person who gets impressed by names vs those who understand and admire sheer raw talent and musicianship.
When it comes to the music side of the “music business” Mendy’s a true ‘triple threat presence; as in arranger, producer AND performer (on keyboards). Those skills are also why he “means” business on the business side of music, as his ability to shepherd any project from start to finish --combined with his own recording/ production/post-production facility enable him to make music that also makes money.
Soft-spoken, hard-driving and one of those unique talents who never demands more from anyone than he does from himself, Mendy’s bio is nowhere near ready for its coda